How to Build Capacity and Strengthen Outreach

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Nonprofit or not, a lot of businesses need help filling the gaps where their shortcomings lie. Not all nonprofits have a problem with hiring ample staff and creating resources to achieve their mission, but many of us do.

It doesn’t take a genius to find an issue, but not all organizations have the capacity to fix glaring problems as well or as timely as needed.


Going fast vs. going far.

Most entrepreneurs and amateur nonprofiteers hit a point where they realize that it’s better to go far together than to go fast alone. That is, we get to a point where our plate is completely full and we need to start delegating tasks—and trust those people will perform to the same level of quality.

If you try to do everything yourself, you’ll be able to move as fast as one person can churn out work, until you either burn out or can’t handle the amount of work at hand. Working with a team will ensure more output, new ideas for innovation and a lower risk of burnout for everyone. In the end, the saying “it’s better to go far together than fast alone” is really a bit of a myth, because oftentimes you’ll be able to move faster and further by delegating roles and responsibilities than if you try to save the world alone.


Identify the problems.

So now that we know where the gaps and shortcomings are in our organizations and which people fit into those roles and responsibilities, chances are, you’ve still got a list of things that need to be delegated that no one is qualified to do. With the organizations and companies we’ve worked with in the past, those things (somewhat in order) include: bookkeeping, grant writing and some form of legal aid. Identify your needs and what, of those needs, can’t be handled in-house.


Outsource the solution.

Since no one on your staff can complete the task and you likely can’t exactly “hire” a volunteer to do something as important as bookkeeping or legal work, outsourcing is the perfect answer to an age-old problem. Outsourcing means contracting third-party companies or qualified individuals to complete specific tasks for your nonprofit.


What’s the cost of outsourcing?

The benefit to outsourcing over hiring out for needs is that there is less commitment from your organization. A lot of outsourcing agencies (from varying industries) have comprehensive pricing per project rather than keeping someone on payroll or agreeing to a large contract.

Whether it’s alleviating some responsibilities with keeping your books, obtaining sponsorships or getting marketing guidance, the resources are endless when it comes to finding outsourced services.

Jitasa’s tagline is “Numbers For Good” and that’s exactly what they stand for. Jitasa offers Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Exclusively for Nonprofits. They offer solutions that cater to every nonprofit, with simple flat rate pricing that will make your life easier as a nonprofit.

build capacity

May 16, 2017

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