Devin Thomas | Nonprofit Hub Blog Nonprofit Management, Strategy, Tools & Resources Fri, 06 May 2022 21:38:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Devin Thomas | Nonprofit Hub Blog 32 32 Wasting Time While Doing Good: Nonprofits and the World of reddit Fri, 30 Oct 2015 16:11:13 +0000 Reddit is, as its tagline boasts, the front page of the Internet—and your nonprofit can find some answers there.

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It’s Friday. The deadlines have been met, projects done. I’ve got a spare few minutes to figuratively kick up my feet and see what the internet has to offer for the day. My one stop, time-wasting source is a little gem called reddit.

So, what is reddit?

Reddit is, as its tagline boasts, the front page of the Internet. Reddit is the amalgamation (22 point word on Words with Friends) of everything that is the Internet.

The simple website works like a forum: users login and post links, photos or simply invite an open discussion within a post. Then, fellow redditors can vote positively or negatively (upvote/downvote) for the post and subsequent comments.

And these links can be anything. Breaking news, funny gifs, artwork and anything else you could possibly think of. The hottest, most popular links are displayed on the front page for you to enjoy. Plus, they’ll be there before they’re picked up by news sites report it. So, you’ll be one the cool kids who can say they saw it already.

Most of the time it’s used to forget about work and look at ridiculous posts like finding out how Old Spice made their ridiculous commercials or a clever weatherman did his tricks. But, if you dig a little deeper, reddit can be a valuable source for anything and everything.

Reddit is segmented into subreddits that deal with a specific topic like gadgets, DIY and, wait for it, nonprofit.

So, that’s why it’s with great temerity (awesome word), that I want all of you to rush to reddit now.

How can you relate reddit to your nonprofit?

r/NonProfit is an untapped source of potential for the nonprofit community. There are over 8,700 users who are already there waiting for more conversations to be had.

These redditors are there to hold an open discussion on a copious (14 points) of nonprofit topics. Just looking at the front page this morning, there’s a plea for pro bono legal consultation, grant writing questions and a curious question about the possibility of plagiarizing a program.

It’s a like a convention at your fingertips.

And if you don’t see something being discussed, you’re free to create a post and begin that discussion.

Reddit continues to serve a social experiment in exploring the depths of human interactivity via technology and garnering new ideas to explore, dissect, rebuild and employ. Never has information been so readily available for users to digest and retain for years to come…..

….or it’s just to look at a photo of Bob Ross eating a piece of pizza. Who knows.

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Dispelling the Overhead Myth [INFOGRAPHIC] Thu, 16 Jul 2015 12:35:08 +0000 It's one of the most debated topics in the nonprofit industry as of late—the overhead myth.

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This infographic was originally posted in the July/August edition of Nonprofit Hub Magazine. You can sign up to receive the magazine in your inbox for free today.


It’s one of the most debated topics in the nonprofit industry as of late—the overhead myth. Let’s break down what it is, what we should be doing about it and most importantly, how to dispel it. Click to enlarge the infographic.


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Board Members: Making a Difference without Making the Ask [INFOGRAPHIC] Tue, 02 Jun 2015 15:17:08 +0000 There are powerful ways that board members can help your organization while not directly asking for money.

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This post was originally featured in our May/June edition of the Nonprofit Hub Magazine. To get our next issue delivered to your mailbox, sign up here.


We’ve talked about getting 100 percent of your board members to fundraise. But maybe they’re providing a significant monetary contribution by themselves and don’t want to actively recruit other fundraisers. As Lori Jacobwith points outthat’s ok. There are other powerful ways that board members can help while not directly asking for money. Check out these tips from Jacobwith in our infographic below [click to enlarge].

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[Cause Camp] Vu Le Relates Your Nonprofit to Game of Thrones (No Spoilers) Tue, 14 Apr 2015 19:05:33 +0000 This past Sunday, the highly-anticipated, critically-acclaimed fantasy drama Game of Thrones returned to television. And with that, utter fear has taken over as we await the fates of our beloved […]

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This past Sunday, the highly-anticipated, critically-acclaimed fantasy drama Game of Thrones returned to television. And with that, utter fear has taken over as we await the fates of our beloved characters.

One man who truly understands the heartache is Vu Le.

While presenting at Cause Camp 2015, Le centered much of his insightful session around Game of Thrones…and fluffy animals. But mostly, Game of Thrones.

During the Q&A session, one respondent posed the question that led to this gem.

Image via Screenrant.

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[AFP 2015] The Donor Retention Change You Can Make Right Now Mon, 30 Mar 2015 19:58:47 +0000 Jay Love shares what nonprofits should be doing to ensure that they're going to make the cut for second round donations.

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When it comes down to it (whether you like it or not) you’re always going to be competing for money from other organizations. So what’s going to set your organization apart from the other guys?

At AFP 2015, we caught up with our friend and Bloomerang donor retention expert Jay Love to find out what nonprofits should be doing to ensure that they’re going to make the cut for second round donations (and thirds, and fourths…). See what he said in the video below.

Check out the rest of our coverage from AFP 2015:

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Digital Strategy and Your NPO [INFOGRAPHIC] Thu, 26 Feb 2015 21:57:28 +0000 We live in a technologically advanced world. But we aren't taking full advantage of it, according to the 2015 Digital Outlook Report by Care2, hjc and NTEN.

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We live in a technologically advanced world. But we aren’t taking full advantage of it, according to the 2015 Digital Outlook Report by Care2, hjc and NTEN.

It’s time for nonprofits to take a gigantic leap into the digital world by focusing on strategy.

Click below to enlarge the infographic and see how nonprofits ranked their digital strategy for 2015.


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The Weight of Donor Retention [INFOGRAPHIC] Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:30:44 +0000 This infographic originally ran in our Nonprofit Hub Magazine, a free bi-monthly magazine dedicated to providing focused content on a particular topic. In our January/February 2015 edition, we explored how […]

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This infographic originally ran in our Nonprofit Hub Magazine, a free bi-monthly magazine dedicated to providing focused content on a particular topic.

In our January/February 2015 edition, we explored how to keep donors around all year. To reserve your free copy of our next issue, sign up today





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Building Your Nonprofit Marketing Plan [INFOGRAPHIC] Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:12:25 +0000 Managing your nonprofit marketing plan can feel a whole lot like the game Tetris. Which block fits where?

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This infographic originally ran in our Nonprofit Hub Magazine, a free bi-monthly magazine dedicated to providing focused content on a particular topic.

In our November/December 2014 edition, we explored how to build your 2015 marketing plan. To reserve your free copy of our next issue, sign up today



Managing your nonprofit marketing plan can feel a whole lot like the game Tetris. Which block fits where? You need to determine which pieces are most important for your organization at a certain time to make sure there are no gaps and everything is working together cohesively.

You know that it’s not enough to just have certain aspects of marketing working for your nonprofit. They have to work together to earn big points for your followers. Click to enlarge the infographic and see how your nonprofit marketing plan can fall into place.

New2015 copy

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6 Things We’ve Learned from Horror Movies (and Your NPO Should Know) [INFOGRAPHIC] Thu, 30 Oct 2014 18:39:17 +0000 As NPOs we fall into the same traps. Here’s to never making these mistakes again.

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We’ve all seen it play out in a horror flick—blood curdling screams and people being picked out one-by-one wondering…what’s next?

And even though the plot lines are sometimes predictable, we’re somehow always surprised (you mean he was hiding the closet the entire time?!) And as NPOs we fall into the same traps, too. Here’s to never making these mistakes again. (Click to enlarge the Infographic.)

Horror Movie

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Assembling Your Super Board of Directors [Infographic] Wed, 17 Sep 2014 18:46:52 +0000 You need your own team of superheroes to help your cause. They each play a specific role to help fight off the evils of laziness, inaction and apathy. And now you can possess the power to fight for your nonprofit and the good of all humanity.

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During the climactic battle scene in The Avengers movie, Loki uses the Tesseract to summon the Chitauri fleet through a wormhole, and it looks like New York City is doomed. The only hope is a group of superheroes who very recently didn’t much care for each other. They each had their own skillset, that on the surface level didn’t appear to work well together. However, after a brief pep talk, they rally around the common cause and save the day.

Sometimes it can feel like you are fighting a massive fleet of alien invaders while working on your nonprofit. While you don’t have to deal with the Chitauri space fleet, you have plenty of your own issues. That’s why you need your own team of superheroes to help your cause on your board of directors. They each play a specific role to help fight off the evils of laziness, inaction and apathy. And now you can possess the power to fight for your nonprofit and the good of all humanity.

Superboard Infographic

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