Angie Kubicek | Nonprofit Hub Blog Nonprofit Management, Strategy, Tools & Resources Tue, 19 Apr 2022 16:57:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Angie Kubicek | Nonprofit Hub Blog 32 32 How to Write for SEO and Rank on Google Thu, 22 Oct 2020 15:00:40 +0000 Getting noticed is a challenge. The internet is a busy, crowded place, buzzing with almost 2 billion websites and millions of brands competing for attention. Rising above the clutter and online […]

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Getting noticed is a challenge. The internet is a busy, crowded place, buzzing with almost 2 billion websites and millions of brands competing for attention. Rising above the clutter and online noise requires a little strategy. Thankfully, that strategy doesn’t require a rocket scientist. Or even a computer scientist. You can create website content that will boost your nonprofit’s site in search results and put it on people’s radar without a degree in copywriting or any technical expertise. That’s why we wrote this—to give you the need-to-knows about how to write for SEO and rank on Google. This will empower you to optimize your site for search. 

Ready to get in good with Google and watch your website rise? Let’s start with the basics. 

What is SEO? 

SEO is the practice of optimizing your website’s content and technical elements to make your site attractive to search engines. The goal is to get your site to appear near the top of the search engine results page (SERP) organically, meaning you aren’t paying for ad space. 

Studies indicate that 71.33% of the time, searchers will click on one of the first ten organic links on Google’s first page (Zero Limit Web). This means capturing a spot on that first page will be pretty important for your organization. But, how do you know what your organization should rank for? 

Conduct keyword research. 

Too many times nonprofits bypass this stage and go straight to writing content. That’s like skipping class all year and expecting to ace your final exam. Do not waste your time creating content that nobody is searching for. 

Keyword research is the best way to uncover what your audience wants. To begin compiling your list of keywords start here: 

  • Think like a searcher, not like an insider. If a new pet owner wants to get their kitten spayed, they’re not going to search for a vet to do an “ovariohysterectomy.” Instead, they’re going to use layman’s language. “Get my cat fixed” or “veterinarian to spay my cat” or something similar. We all use insider terms at work, but those rarely make good keywords. Think about what words your potential donors, volunteers or supporters might use to search for the services your organization provides.
  • Always include your location. If I live in Nebraska, I’m not going to fly to Oregon to adopt a dog. So, I might search for “dogs for adoption in Lincoln” to narrow my search and find my new friend close to home. If you serve a local community, like an animal shelter would, be sure to include your location throughout your web pages. 
  • Look at your competitors. Others in your sector or space are doing the same kind of keyword research and trying to write their web content for SEO too. So, take a peek at their websites—what words are they using? How do they 

describe their services? Pay attention to what your competitors are doing and consider prioritizing the keywords they’re ranking for to aggressively compete with them. 

Craft the perfect headline and supporting subheads. 

People read differently on the web than they do on paper. In fact, they don’t really “read”—they scan. They want to spot the information that’s most relevant to their interests or needs, and then take a deeper dive into the content when they spot something interesting. 

The second reason, of course, is for SEO. Google pays close attention to your headlines and subheads, and it’s smart to write them in a way that’s search engine-friendly. 

To start, let’s talk about your main headline on a page, or the <h1> tag. Think of this as the title of a book. There have been plenty of trends in SEO that have come and gone, but <h1>s have never lost their significance—they play a key role in SEO success. Use these best practice tips to write <h1>s that work: 

  • Use only one <h1> tag per page. 
  • Include your target keyword or keyword phrase. 
  • Stick to just 6–7 words and/or less than 65 characters. 
  • Give a strong sense of what the content is about. 
  • Use relevant adjectives. 
  • Consider using the year if it’s relevant to your article. 

Earn quality backlinks. 

According to SEO expert Neil Patel, “Backlinks are the building blocks of your webpage. They tell Google that you’re connected and sociable and that you’ve got useful content that people can access. This content could be your own or it could be from another author or site.” 

Page links, in general, are good; backlinks (or inbound links) are SEO gold.

What is a backlink? In basic terms, it’s when another website links to the content on your site. 

This is important because it says to both Google and your online audience, “We’re trustworthy. We know what we’re talking about. We have useful information.” It’s basically a vote of confidence. Plus, it’s one more driver to your website, and can’t we all use that? To mine this SEO gold, there are three key things you can do: 

  • Link to relevant content within and outside your site. You want other websites to link to yours? Be a good internet neighbor, then, and link to other websites when it’s appropriate, relevant and valuable for your audience. Also, linking to other pages within your website is good SEO juice, too. 
  • Aim for high-quality backlinks. The quality of your backlinks is more important than the quantity. Backlinks from trustworthy, high-authority sites are the ones you really want to earn, while backlinks from low-authority, potentially spammy sites fall into the category of “yeah, that’s not helpful.” Pro tip: Guest blogging is one of the most effective ways to earn quality backlinks. 
  • Write great content and promote it. This might seem obvious, but it’s worth saying: You can earn high-quality links by creating unique content that people want to link to. This means you need to invest some time and money into creating quality content, but there are so many wins associated with good quality content, that investment is typically worth it. Once you’ve got the goods, get your content in front of influencers through email, social or simply picking up the phone, and ask them to link from their website to your content, and voila, you’ve got yourself some backlinks. 

Are you still with me? Great, because I’ve got more tips for you! Conducting keyword research, crafting the perfect headlines and earning quality backlinks are oh-so-important steps. But to earn a space in the coveted top 10 and to share your mission with as many people as possible, you’ll want to do a little bit more SEO. 

Download Firespring’s how to write for SEO ebook, “Writing for SEO: How to Create Content to Engage Your Audience and Rank on Google.” Our SEO experts and copywriters will take you behind the scenes of creating website content that will not only resonate with your online audience but get you in good with Google and other search engines as well. If you are looking to hire a SEO consultant, read this post about how to find a volunteer SEO specialist. 

Author Bio:

Angie Kubicek is a strategic, multidisciplinary marketing professional with an eye for innovation. Her diverse experience with notable companies like Smart Chicken, Hayneedle, Yahoo!, Bailey Lauerman and Complete Nutrition, gave her unique opportunities to experience both client and agency workflows. Skill sets include

media strategy, UX, social media, branding, content creation and PR. As Chief Marketing Officer at Firespring, Angie combines knowledge & experience, delivering creative solutions to clients and their audiences.

The post How to Write for SEO and Rank on Google appeared first on Nonprofit Hub.

How to Build a Nonprofit Website That Works Tue, 11 Jun 2019 09:30:29 +0000 One of the keys to building a website that works is to create it with the end user in mind, which is the opposite of what many organizations do.

The post How to Build a Nonprofit Website That Works appeared first on Nonprofit Hub.

This article is sponsored by Firespring.

Technology is useful…until it’s not. Every new mobile app, gadget, online tool or piece of software can leave us asking ourselves, “Wait, if I don’t use that one new thing, will I be missing out on something that will change my life?”

It’s exhausting.

That said, tools and technology can truly simplify our lives if we narrow it down to what can actually make a difference for us, either by streamlining our workflow, saving us resources or making things run more efficiently. When technology is working for you and not against you, life can be very good. And the best place to start? Your website.

Your website is the hub of your online presence (dare I say, world), and with the right software and tools, it can simplify your life in ways you can’t even imagine. One of the keys to building a website that works is to create it with the end user in mind, which is the opposite of what many organizations do. Too often, a nonprofit’s website is designed from the inside out. I’ll talk about why that’s a problem later.

For now, the following five elements are your building blocks for creating a viable, professional-looking website that’s able to meet the needs of everyone who lands on it. If you keep these components in mind, you’re well on your way to building a website that works as the hub of your universe.


A well-structured website will provide options, including several navigation tools such as a pull-down menu,  search tool and site map. The most important question to ask regarding structure is: Who is going to visit your site? You have several types of end users, including supporters, volunteers, board members and prospects. These people will come to your site expecting to find what they’re looking for in a clear, easy manner.

However, too many nonprofits structure their website from the point of view of an insider—how they see their organization internally. Your target audience will likely approach your website differently. And if it’s not designed with them in mind, they’ll get confused or frustrated and leave (hello, high bounce rates!). Put yourself in their shoes and ask, “What information is valuable and relevant?” Then make sure that information is easily accessible.


Great design isn’t about creating a “wow” factor, blowing people away with artistic skills or even keeping up with the latest design trends. Ultimately, good web design is all about telling your story well. If people come to your website and understand your mission and your cause because you’ve communicated it clearly through images, text and other elements, then your design is working. A good test for your nonprofit’s website: Have a friend who’s not familiar with your organization check it out. Does it tell your story? If visitors can’t discern your mission when they hit the homepage, your site’s design may need some refreshing.


Of course, it’s not enough for your website to look awesome; it needs to serve a purpose. If your online visitors can’t do what they need to, they’ll move on. That’s why your website should include tools that allow people to donate, view an event calendar, register for events, sign up to volunteer—all without leaving your site. Tools like these work together to create a comprehensive site that meets the needs of everyone who engages with you. People may hear about your organization and think, “I want to volunteer for them,” and then look on your website for a way to sign up. The ability to view an event calendar is important so prospective volunteers can see what opportunities are available.

Others will want to donate, or maybe register and pay for an event. And still others who want to be on your email list. If your website’s functionality is limited, you’ll watch donations and potential event attendees walk away. Great functionality and essential website tools are not a cost—they’re an investment. What you can reap far outweighs what you may spend. You actually can’t afford to do without them. And creating your own website that works for everyone involved isn’t as expensive as you might think.


Your website also showcases the impact you’re making in the world. When your web content connects with your audience, they’re more likely to join the cause—through donations, attending events or volunteering. For successful engagement, make sure your articles, blog posts, videos and resources clearly identify the issues you stand for and the obstacles you’re trying to overcome. Saying you combat hunger in your city is less engaging than a story about providing groceries for a struggling family of four.

A quick note about content: Don’t let it grow stagnant. To keep it fresh, you should be able to update and change it with point-and-click simplicity. If your website is not built with a content management system that’s easy to use and accessible, seriously think about changing it. For example, Firespring’s nonprofit websites come with a CMS called the Springboard, a user-friendly platform that allows you to make changes to content as needed without the aid of a web developer or programmer. In 2019, that’s how every website should work.


Simply put, vitality is the perception of fresh content. This means when people come to your website, they sense that it’s current and evolving, giving them the impression that your organization is alive and active. One of the best ways to improve your site’s vitality is with a blog. It’s the single most effective way to add fresh content on a continual basis. Updating your homepage content is enough to give visitors the sense that your organization is working to make the world a better place.

Did you know that the average user decides in less than five seconds if they’re going to click past your homepage and/or bookmark your site? This decision is based almost entirely upon that person’s perception of vitality. Our brains tell us subconsciously whether or not a website is worth revisiting. A website that feels fresh will cover up many other mistakes, and implementing a content strategy (as well as an easy-to-use content management system) to increase your site’s vitality has a huge ROI.

A few quick tips for this ensuring vitality:

  •      Delegate writing responsibilities to a team of people who are passionate about your cause.
  •      Implement a user-friendly content management system so updating content is easy.
  •      Create a content calendar so you have a plan for regularly publishing content.

Other resources

Your site is the central nervous system of your brand and all of your marketing and fundraising efforts. Honing in on these five elements will help you build a website that works for you and your visitors.

Beyond this, though, are other tools. Landing pages. Listening tools. Apps that allow you to streamline your workflow and manage your entire online presence in less than 15 minutes a day. That’s right: You can effectively manage your online presence in less time than it takes for you to grab a few groceries from the store.

To learn more, take a break and check out my on-demand video, “Tools Every Nonprofit Needs to Simplify Their Lives.” Learn how to better manage your time, whenever you have time, with this video that can truly change your workflow and approach to your online presence.

The post How to Build a Nonprofit Website That Works appeared first on Nonprofit Hub.
