How to Seal Your Next Direct Mail Piece with a Kiss [INFOGRAPHIC]

Kelley Peterson is a guest contributor for Nonprofit Hub. She was a speaker for Cause Camp 2015, Nonprofit Hub’s national conference. Kelley is the Vice President and Creative Director for KidGlov, a branding agency in Lincoln, Neb. Kelley has enjoyed working in marketing communications for over 15 years. She prides herself by inspiring superstar teams to deliver top-notch creative work. Kelley is one of a handful of marketers in our area to have achieved Professional Certified Marketer status.

This infographic was originally posted on KidGlov. Check it out here.


If you’re tired of hearing that direct mail is a dying art, you’re not alone. As Kelley Peterson explained to our lunch crowd at Nonprofit Hub, direct mail is a huge opportunity for you to get more face time with your donors. As Kelley mentioned, in email marketing you have five seconds or less to capture your audience’s attention, and with direct mail you have 20 seconds or less. Learn how to seal your direct mail piece with a kiss by using Kelley’s tips below.


Lyndsey Hrabik

Lyndsey is a former editor for Nonprofit Hub and Nonprofit Hub Magazine. She now serves as a guest contributor, writing on topics such as social media, technology, marketing and starting a nonprofit.

September 17, 2015

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