How New and Traditional Media Can Work Hand in Hand

When it comes to marketing in the nonprofit sector, this period of history is unlike anything we’ve seen before. You must appeal to an audience that consists of young people who barely know how to address a letter, older people who are unfamiliar with WiFi and still clinging to their 2007 flip-phones and everyone in between. The solution? Knowing how to balance new and traditional media.

The more outlets, the better

Most of your content should be available both online and in print. If you ship out a magazine, set up a version where people can pay to access the articles online. If your nonprofit has important news or an event to share, promote it via email and social media. But don’t forget to post signs around town, advertise through local radio and television networks or submit press release. In our tech-centered world it may seem like these “old school” PR methods have fallen by the wayside, but you’d be surprised at how effective they still are. A 2016 study found that digital media’s growth hasn’t lead to a decrease in traditional media’s effectiveness. Therefore, the key is to communicate through both avenues so every demographic, in some way or another, ends up receiving your message.

Let your methods help each other

Keep in mind that digital and traditional media should have a symbiotic relationship. For example, put your social media handles and website links on your signage and all of your print materials. At the same time, remind your followers and website visitors to check out your traditional media, whether that’s a magazine, a newsletter or something else. The end goal is to get people to bounce between both categories of media. Those who usually only see your traditional material will be lured to your online content like blogs and social media posts, and your tech-savvy supporters will pay more attention to your efforts in the physical world.

Since neither type of PR is going out of style, it’s crucial that your nonprofit learns how to be flexible and versatile with its marketing. If you utilize both digital and traditional media in your campaigns and call your audience to engage with both types, you’ll appeal to a wide range of donors and successfully grow your brand.

Hannah Trull

Hannah is a Content Strategist for Nonprofit Hub. On top of being a regular blog contributor, she serves as the social media manager and writes for all other content channels.

September 21, 2018

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